Aux marches du palais (On the palace steps)

Photo: ©Elisa Hahn


Price: Free

Age: 10+

Duration: 45min – 1h


Lieu d’Europe and the Compagnie Rebonds d’histoires

Starting point

Lieu d’Europe
European District, Strasbourg

“Peut-être qu’en plaçant ici cette statue, la Grèce a souhaité renforcer son influence en Europe.

C’est un pari risqué tout de même, que de vouloir mettre les dieux à son service. Notamment Poséidon. Poséidon, un dieu complexe aux multiples facettes.

Poséidon est bien sûr connu pour son emprise sur les flots et le monde sous-marin, mais on le surnomme également « l’ébranleur du sol »”

This soundfiction takes place around the European district.

European buildings were built to enable countries and their inhabitants to meet, debate, make laws, discuss, celebrate and fight for ideas.

But that’s not all. When people move, their stories travel with them. So when Europe was made here, in Strasbourg, the stories, tales and mythologies of all Europe came too. And with the stories came all the characters and creatures that populate them.

The gods. The monsters. The elves. The fairies. A whole parallel world has settled here in Strasbourg, in this district.
In a good parallel world, it’s almost invisible, even if some of these characters like to be embodied in statues or trees. That’s what we’re going to find out during this soundfiction. So keep your eyes and ears open, and let us help you uncover the traces of this other world

A sound fiction available from May 05, 2024 on the dedicated app – GOH

Know more

Antoine Spindler – Trained at the Strasbourg Conservatory in the classes of Ana Haas (violin) and Claude Ducroq (viola), as well as at the University of Strasbourg in musicology, Antoine Spindler has trained (Ircam, Fastlane, PML…) and specialized in electroacoustic and mixed music. He teaches in the Electroacoustic Creation and Interpretation class at the Conservatoire and L’Académie Supérieure de Musique-Hear in Strasbourg. He currently plays with the trio Jafta, with whom he released the album Traces, and with the duo Svië, with whom he created the album Port Data. His experiences have enabled him to collaborate with various ensembles and musicians (Linéa, Live Animated Orchestra, the Ethos quartet, Plurium, Clara Olivares, Eve Risser etc.) as well as with different authors (Hélène Gaudy, Jean Fauque, Valérie Manteau, Sébastien Dicenaire, Lucie Taïeb etc.).

Annukka Nyyssönen was born in Finland to a Finnish father and an Alsatian mother. Developing a particular interest in stories, tales and myths, she has made it her profession, with a particular attraction to the repertoire of marvelous tales and myths. She performs on stage, often in media libraries, festivals and schools. For ten years or so, she attended the Ecole Noire sessions with Myriam Pellicane, a training course in the arts of the spoken word that delves into the sources of oral tradition. She was also part of the SISTAS adventure, which brought together some twenty female storytellers on the island of Oléron to explore the specificity of women’s art. Alongside her performances, she leads talks and cultural action projects, and is a keen participant in collective experiments and local projects, particularly with the Front de l’Est collective.

Matthieu Epp works as a professional storyteller, and has done so for some fifteen years. After studies in computer science and a career in popular education, he forged his tools through encounters and disciplines (music, dance, object theater, improvisation). He presents his shows throughout the French-speaking world (France, Belgium, Quebec…) in theaters, storytelling festivals, media libraries, retirement homes and schools. His repertoire ranges from mythology to science fiction, with a fondness for traditional tales and life stories. No two shows are alike. For each project, he’s keen to develop a form that will serve the issues as closely as possible. For example, he offers storytelling tours at home with acoustic instruments, as well as more spectacular forms with images and electronic music.

After studying classical piano as a child, Fabrice Kieffer entered the Strasbourg Conservatoire and discovered improvisation, percussion, jazz and traditional music. He developed a passion for the accordion, which he studied with the musicians of the Bal’us’trad collective. He is involved in all kinds of artistic projects: jazz, improvised music, traditional music with “en passant par la Montagne”, street shows, festive fanfare, theater music with the Baraban company. His identity is marked by musical eclecticism, curiosity and a permanent polyinstrumentism.

La Ville de Strasbourg , la Région Grand Est, le FEDER, la Collectivité européenne d’Alsace et la DRAC Grand-Est.


Text and voices: Matthieu Epp and Annukka Nyyssönen

Realisation: Gaëtan Gromer

Music:  Antoine Spindler

Hurdy-gurdy and accordion: Fabrice Kieffer

Sound recordings, mix: Antoine Spindler 

Application: GOH

Executive producer: Les Ensembles 2.2

Partners: Rebonds d’histoires and Lieu d’Europe