Soundwalk in Luxembourg

Picture: ©Naohiro Ninomiya
Nostalgia . Exile . Social_History
Empty Nest invites you to wander through the backstreets of the Bonnevoie district, listening to the story of a mother and son, she who was born elsewhere, he who grew up here. A singular yet universal story, as it carries with it the stories and testimonies collected from local residents. A story that seems simple, almost commonplace, yet reveals the complexities of exile and the hopes that guide every step towards the unknown.
Like a child going through the stages of life, you are invited to walk through the streets, between happiness and disillusionment, alongside those who have undertaken a journey towards a new land of welcome. Those who, one day, have left the nest to make way for the unknown, for the possibility of new beginnings. Empty Nest evokes the ambivalent feeling of emptiness that is then created, filled with memories and promises, tinged with both nostalgia and satisfaction, where each memory resonates like the distant song of a lullaby.
Available to listen to on your smartphone, from September 28, 2024, by downloading the GOH app and letting it guide you!